Wormwood’s Diary
"Readers are advised to remember that the devil is a liar." - C.S. Lewis from The Screwtape Letters
"Readers are advised to remember that the devil is a liar." - C.S. Lewis from ‘The Screwtape Letters’
Entry #203,457
I never did understand humans and their miserable ways.
Love. What rot! What does it get you? Nothing!
That's always been my mindset from my eternal days out in the fiery lakes horribly frolicking with my foes.
Pride, Anger, and Misery! Now, that's the ticket! Yes!
My uncle always says so. That is what the human heart really wants. Cruelties and miseries of all sorts!
Yet there is something strange about this new subject. Something almost impenetrable. I cannot see through for a mysterious force blinds my wicked mind!
When that happens Uncle says it is because they are of a special kind. One that is protected under the carpenter's gaze.
It is probably the Enemy up above plotting, wasting our dreadful days before the Allotted Time is up!
I do find it difficult to penetrate the Patient as effectively as Uncle is asking. My horrible Uncle will never know this of course only until his life is coming to an end will I start to ask Uncle for help.
Help?! Help from what? None of us needed help when the Enemy gave us a choice! Where was He then? Plotting to raise humanity to a higher state? To be slaves to lowly filthy creatures made in His image? We could not stand for that!
Why weren't we made by the same stamp? We were left in the dust and our master knew. How he knew and chose deceitfully.
Gaining power and granting our requests at times, the Enemy allows us to intervene. To test these miserable souls, to see if they are worthy.
But this one is strong indeed. Through what, I ask? Uncle and other senior tempters suspect it might be a mystery, a guarded jealousy by Him. While others suggest it might be His love secretly conversing with them. He does this often and we cannot hear their thoughts which is a great travesty.
I never did understand such hideous language in all my eternity. We may never come to know it until maybe at the end of the age.
Until then I will try to use Uncle's tactics and ill suggestions but I must keep in mind to add a daily dose of strife and keep the Patient away from knowing who he really is because once he knows who he is and where he must go then it is very difficult to lead the soul to Hell.
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Originally published at https://aaronmichaelthomas.com on October 6, 2023.