Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost — J.R.R. Tolkien

Opening my eyes, I see the scarlet drapes hanging over the Victorian windows.
I have been transported back in time.
I look out and see the city streets clambering with people in coats and top hats, ladies in their flowing dresses hiding all of their beautiful parts. And then I stop because I hear footsteps echo through the mansion I find myself in.
I look at my giant bizarre wristwatch and see it reads: 1845 AD British Empire.
Whoa, it works. It actually works but the footsteps get closer. I remember the doctor’s words:
Let no one see you.
I turn the clock dial and turn it forward this time and click the red button. It takes a few seconds. And then the watch turns green as blue and red lights swirl around me consuming my body. A young man in Victorian-style clothing steps in horrified and blesses himself running out and screaming.
Then I disappear swirled in a ray of blinding lights for a second. I appear on the streets of a riot or strike happening. I look down at my watch: 1909 AD Honolulu, Hawaii.
There are people all rallying together raising their fists and chanting and screaming furiously in Japanese and Spanish. I look around and no one pays attention to me. They all rally around a speaker who yells and taunts the police up ahead. I see it is not going to end well.
They continue shoving me among the swamp of people. The mob pushes me violently almost being crushed as I try to reach for my watch. I turn the dial forward but then accidentally my arms get pushed and it turns backward as I scream.
The watch glows quickly as I am inside a small Native American village being upended and destroyed. Men on horseback are flinging fire arrows at the huts and raping and mutilating innocent lives. Tomahawks are thrown at the horses as they collapse into the dust. I see one man coming at me with his sword gleaming and aiming for my head. I duck as he circles around but a mighty Native warrior screams and attacks the man stabbing him mercilessly with small but sharp daggers. He rides the horse to slay his other enemies.
I look down as women and children flee into the forest. My watch reads 1610 AD, Cherokee camp, Virginia.
I look up and a settler grabs a knife and slits a man’s throat as blood spews out. Then I come into view. Fear seizing him, he yells in fury running at me. I switch my watch but forget in the fiasco which way to turn it. I run quickly into a clearing in the forest evading his blow. I keep running until I appear swimming in a raging sea.
Lighting flashes and thunder roars. Rain pours from the night sky. I see a boat with twelve men rowing with all their might. I wonder if my watch will be destroyed.
Suddenly they scream and one points out in distress in a language that is foreign to my ears. I see a shadow walking on the sea coming towards them. I see the scene unfold and I am in awe of what is happening. It is a man walking on water. Who is he?
My watch: 29 AD Sea of Galilee, Israel. I see one young man on the boat rise and step out all of a sudden. The other men are in shock as the one on the water stretches out his hand and calls him. It terrifies me as the man steps out and starts to walk as well. I am filled with joy and fear that I cannot explain.
Then to escape the waves as water rushes upon me, I turn it. Red and blue lights swirl and twirl in the night sky.
I appear in the countryside. The sun beams down on my face as I lay in the vibrant green grass underneath a massive tree. My watch reads 1943 AD Radegund, Austria.
I hear bombs and shells in the far distance. The mountains surround the beautiful countryside leaving me feeling secure and at peace. I look down into the small village and people are working and going about their days. Children play in the fields.
I hide from sight as I see the man who has been chasing me walking down a rubble path in a three-piece suit. I try to turn the dial but it’s jammed.
Daniel approaches me under the shade.
“How did you find me?” I ask.
“I see you’re enjoying yourself.” He looks dapper but hides a sinister secret. “You don’t understand the full power of what you have on your wrist.”
“I think I have some idea.”
“No, you are a simple man who was given a responsibility that you know nothing about. Time is up.”
“You tried to kill me.”
“I tried to save you from that doctor! He was mad with power. His vision was twisted.”
“He told me you would say that.”
“He lied, Harry. Now, be a good sport and hand it over.”
But it is clutched and secured to my wrist. The doctor said only I can wear it. The combination to unlock it was lost as he was shot dead by an unknown assailant.
“Even if I wanted to, I don’t know how to take it off.”
“That can be arranged.” He snaps his fingers and we suddenly appear inside a vast warehouse. I try to run, but he pushes me down and three men seize me and force me into a chair.
I scream and kick but they’re too strong. One pulls out an electric saw and revs it up. My eyes are wide with fury and misery. Daniel stands smiling with malice as he folds his hands and watches.
“No, No! You can’t do this!”
“Oh, yes we can, Harry. The little operation won’t hurt, well… Maybe a little.” He nods to the men. The buzzing saw comes viciously down on my forearm and slowly starts to descend. The sounds pierce my head.
I see it and wince trying to break free but then the door in the far corner opens.
“Stop what you’re doing right now!” Geeves with an assault rifle points it at Daniel.
“Hold it!” The men stop, look up, and back away from me.
“Come on, kid. Let’s go!” I get up and run to the door as Geeves backs up slowly.
“You won’t get far,” Daniel warns.
“No, but we’ll hide. Where you’ll never find us.”
“I always find what I’m looking for. The machine will eventually track you and bring me right to you. It won’t matter how many jumps you make. I’ll still find you.”
“I should kill you right now for killing the doctor.”
“Then why don’t you!” He approaches closely.
“Cause, he wouldn’t want me to. He knows I’m better than that.”
“In the end, we all stop at nothing to get what we want. Why don’t you start now?”
Geeves then fingers the trigger, but I urge him, “We need to go.”
Sprinting, fast down the staircase, I turn the knob on my watch now finally working. We sprint out a door and into the cloudy day as sparks of light dance around us leading us to another strange and foreign world.
“Ready?” I ask.
Open for gigs
The Awful Dead Man and the Miserable Goblin
An Epic Horror
Games of Tyranny
It’s a Small World After All…
Buy Me a Coffee. I take mine black.