Tune in
You’re faithful
Your work, lathe-full
Don’t condemn
Our hearts you mend
No one is just
The enemy wants to crush
My life to the ground
Evil makes its rounds
Making my life dark
Like the dead leaving its mark
My soul fails
My heart flails
I remember the past
Pondering in my mind’s mast
I muse on what you created
And see my heart sated
Reaching out
I’m parched like a drought
Make haste, answer
Protect me from the necromancer
My spirit is far and lost
To follow means much cost
I’m close to the grave
But you come and save
In the morning
I trust without warning
Where do I walk?
My soul trampled on like chalk
Lord come and rescue
I flee only to you
Teach me your will
“You are mine, be still”
Good spirit guides
Always good vibes
Smooth and level
In your ways, I revel
For your sake
Save me when awake
Your merciful justice
Keeps me from distress
Originally published on