Make Way for the Hummus King!
Waking up in my comfortable bed
I get up and rush, nearly hitting my head
To the coffee that can wake
All my dying dreams for goodness sake
I smell the aromas of jet fuel
And take a mug off the shelf like it’s a duel
Ready with my sword like a samurai
My spoon stirs as it tastes like days gone by
I embrace that warm cup of Joe
Between my tongue and swallow it whole
The hot black and bitter taste
Feels inviting, and good; a refined dark paste
Suddenly, pleasure awaits me with mourning
It waits in store for me this wretched morning
It’s not just this warm drink I want
But a food that I desire too much to flaunt
A piece of heavenly bread from the River perfectly woven
Toasted to perfection in my toaster oven
My blade I unsheathe in the light
To spread some nirvana sauce and bite
Into the sustenance that none could have because of their sins
Kings and princes have sought out its origins
But none could truly find where it lies in safety
Only those in foreign lands have hidden it away safely
This great spread from chickpeas from the East
Has landed into my life to never cease
It is a dip but also a spread, a hole in one
Always good and leaves your stomach done
I have it on the crunchy brown toast
Always savoring each bite without boast
For it is a gift from the heavenly banquet
Given to us out of joy and love, finally they met
Hummus and toast coming together in our Western lands
Giving way to scandal and jealousy as it outstands
The culture of hummus; a steadfast anchor for our times
Breaching differences and settling disputes of all kinds
People and cultures and tongues and places
All come together united to worship in all spaces
The hummus and toast together are one
And everyone is welcome, even the outcast dons
In this temple of our kitchens, we put in the bread
Becoming painted with goodness as we wed
The hummus and toast together radiate new life
Here in the neighborhood as you spread with your knife
The blade smooths out the pine nuts and roasted peppers
Making it even, including the heart’s fetters
As you taste and smell the food is almost divine
You suddenly realize that truly divided line
Between all; your eyes are freed as you see no races
To the sacred and dignity in all people’s faces
You notice the godliness in all and bow down
In worship in the heavenly throne room never bound
But then I suddenly realize that I’m still dreaming
And I wake from my slumber at table leaving
Race out as I finish right before I go to work
And found I never had my hummus toast as I irk
Nothing could compare with toast and hummus
I ponder and think to myself of nothing so a miss
But then I smile as I start to foam from the mouth
Avocado would be better, thirsty with love’s drouth
American writer
Open to gigs
Games of Tyranny
It’s a Small World After All…
Bugs, Bugs, and Bugs
And More Bugs…
Barren Wasteland of Lights
I need to get out of the virtual scene
I want to rid my mind
I want to see the world all green
But I’m afraid I can’t…
Buy Me a Coffee. I take mine black.