Follow Jesus. Only He Can Save You.
When you’re young, He is beside you
In all the muck, Heaven will guide you.
On your way
Hear the bells they ring
See his hands and sides; He bleeds
See the hosts of God, they sing
For you, for me, he intercedes
He became a slave to free the oppressed
Sing his praises, he is our only hope
He was betrayed and hard-pressed
Worship forever to never say nope
Through life, He is beside you
In all the filth, Heaven will guide you
On your way.
Triumphant, he is King of Kings
His mercy endures forever
Never to wed myself to false rings
Always I’ll stay true, never to sever
Never been the same
When he freed me from the grave
Then I said his name
And now I’m out of the cave
Through hard times, He is beside you
Even in sin, Heaven will guide you
On your way
He is the one who you need
To your payers and your life
When you call, He will heed
He will come and free you from all strife
Call out to the prisoners
Call out to the slaves
He wants to save you from all evil allures
Make them come out of their nasty graves
In the dark night, He is beside you
By faint light, Heaven will guide you
On your way
He is mighty and powerful
Bringing all to their knee
Out of love, He calls us so masterful
Out of isolation letting everything breathe
And in the darkest of nights as we hide
Turning our gaze from the light
Traveling and looking to another guide
He will take us out of our bleak night
In death, He is beside you
In peace, Heaven will guide you
On your way