The Bite-Sized Human is Back with His Bite!

I hold my breath.
The black gate opens and a gigantic lizard springs out wagging its scale-like tail. Its tongue is a sharpened sword, and its eyes, like piercing missiles, are aimed at my destruction.
“Flies and Larvae, I present to you,” the giant gross fly shouts. “The Liverpool Lizard!”
It screams an awful and nasty cry as it lunges out. Four flies hover with their speedy wings rapidly fluttering and holding the lizard in a metal collar directing him while two bigger and stronger flies tase the poor reptile. It roars in agony as it is a fellow prisoner tortured to perform and be an actor in the cruel flies’ entertainment. They take it off as he grabs one of them with his elastic tongue and eats the wretched thing as the other ones evade its violence.
I, Brent Brisky, a teenager, who just a few days ago shrunk to bug-size, fear for my dear life again. My next opponent is a serpent with legs prowling and gradually making its way right for me.
“At the center are weapons for the boy to use,” the fly continues. “Will he be able to defeat the Liverpool Lizard?! Tune in to find out!”
The green rough-edged lizard strikes with its tongue, I dodge suddenly and run along the perimeter of the coffee can stadium as the cries of flies and their cricket friends shout with loud praise. They throw their bouquets of excrement at the Lizard. His laughter crawls up my spine.
“I shall enjoy this, simple human! And I can’t wait, to feast on your flesh!” Some crickets in the front row start to frightfully leave because of their predator.
Rushing at me, I race around dodging his tongue but am struck suddenly by its deadly tail. Forced against the wall, it slithers at me, its reptilian face smiling with wicked delight. Its jaws open revealing the many small teeth. I hit his nose as he roars and flinches not expecting I would fight.
Clambering to the tables presented with weapons, I evade him. I grab an ax the size of a Lego set and swing it around as the lizard springs upon me. He is struck and bleeds an acid-green blood.
He heals instantly as he wickedly laughs, “I am stronger than you, boy! I have powers only you can dream of!” He charges full throttle as I strike his eye and he gets pummeled and thrown into the wall. Despair and anger rise in the monster.
His eye is a gooey ball drooping down. He cannot heal so quickly from my blow. I come back hard again but he wraps me in his slimy tail. Swinging me up to his cruel face, he frowns cruelly.
“You think you can defeat ME!” Then he opens his mouth as I chuck the ax inside, it swings violently and rips through the back of his skull. Causing him to fall down suddenly, its tail loosens its deadly grip on me. I fall but land rolling away from the giant lizard as he falls right towards me.
The dust settles as I glare behind me. My foe is motionless, dead, and cold. He is defeated.
The silence is haunting as I look around thinking that now they will kill me for sure. After a moment which seems an eternity, great applause shoots out over the stadium causing all the bugs to stand cheering for me. I am awestruck, not believing what is happening.
Suddenly, I am escorted out and rushed inside the deep dark dungeons where prisoners are held. I am guided by two flies who buzz and puke every time they stop moving. The place smells horrible. I almost puke then they throw me inside my cell.
“Good job, human. But next time you won’t be so lucky,” one of the guards says as they leave briskly.
I sit inside the empty cell thinking of how I had gotten here and then a pin drops. Startled, I stand up and see in the corner of the long cell, a hideous shadow; a figure in chains.
The chains rattle and it says, “So, you made it past two rounds. Pretty impressive, if I say so myself.”
I gulp, “Who’s there?”
“Oh, just a friend. Tell me: You wanna get outta here?”
“There’s no way out,” I say. “They told me no one escapes.”
Th voice chuckles slightly, “Is that so? Fear is their greatest weapon, but I tell you, many have escaped these cruel games and have told tales of their horror. I was just waiting for the right specimen.”
“And… what’s your right specimen?” I ask terrified of what bug it might be. I hope it’s not a spider.
It crawls out of the shadows, “A fellow human.” The figure is a man, old and tired with a gray beard and a wooden cane. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this day.”
“Oh, my…” I fall down on my knees. “What are we gonna do?”
“First off, you have to realize one thing: Don’t trust a single bug. Ever.”
“But there’s no escape! I-I-”
He puts up his hand to hush me. He points his shaky cane toward the darkness and reveals a small hole carved in the side of the aluminum can.
A way out is within reach, so close.
This is going to be one hell of a ride.
If you missed it, check out the first part…
Games of Tyranny
It’s a Small World After All…
Games of Tyranny Series
It's a Bug-Eat-Bug World Out
Buy Me a Coffee. I take mine black.