“Behold the rain which descends from heaven upon our vineyards; there it enters the roots of the vines, to be changed into wine; a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy.” — Benjamin Franklin
After a long day in the heat or winter’s cold
We come together my friends and I so bold
Inviting them, they come with gentle ease
Bringing tributes and beer as their fees
But I suggest that it just isn’t necessary
We sit down in chairs and make merry
And pull out a nice old forgotten black bitter pint
Which soothes the palate, you know what I meint
We pass around the drinks and discuss
The day’s joys, the work that did fuss
That makes us sorrowful but also learn
That life is better when you take a wrong turn
We swap stories and we will truly find
Each one gets better as we do unwind
We relax and flutter like a winged bird
My pals all laugh and one goes to drop a turd
He comes back as swift as an eagle
And begins to drink like a great seagull
He spills and swishes his big drink around
And then we talk about going into the town
We would walk and shout and holler all out
Walking like wine-os walking with gout
Then we’d find a little place for a delicious bite
And we’d settle in as day ends and begins the night
We’d prance about back to our wooden shack
And then the buzz wears off; our minds lack
Discretion but it doesn’t matter, we’re in our haven
Away from the day or drunken fools we can’t save ‘em
We tell tales of misery and glorious might
Each having a turn as we dim the light
And hear and listen with interesting intent
As we enjoy a nightly gaze; our heart’s content
One speaks of virtue and honor and glory
To inherit our world’s great grand old story
We strive for goodness, peace, and transcendent beauty
Telling our plans as we get them from the Almighty
Yelling sternly but with a hushed little voice
As we all join in a song or two as we rejoice
Humming and singing like a strange beast
Hoping our neighbors won’t care in the least
They do come and knock quickly as we bark
But then I open it. “Quit it,” they remark
And so I hush my pals as we let out our giggles
My friends laugh and one of his fingers wiggles
By my dear friends so funny but rowdy
As we lay and stare up; our brains cloudy
With the comfort of liquor that warms the heart
As we drift off to sleep with a tired slow start
We snore, hum, drool our eyes closed for a nap
We start to get up; I shrug my buddy off my lap
We take one last sip of our pint and drink
Then we all gather ‘round with gratitude as I wink
And see what was to become of our lovely friendship
Then we hug, say our goodbyes, and go to our ship
I urge him to take an Uber but waves his hand rude
And won’t budge as I caution him, my good dude
Then with my soul full and satisfied from drinking, I collapse
Onto my bed all tired and needing sleep into the Land of Naps
I dream but sleep is awful and get up for a midnight cap
I drink and slurp and am afraid I’ll one day try crack
But as I think late into the night and early morning
Me and my friends hardly drink when we’re mourning
Never to get wasted, trashed, or breaking glasses
Drinking to hilarity as we sip and manage our classes
So with a grateful heart, I sit and ponder
Never worry about my buddies, I wonder
About the transcendent and the heavens
Waiting for the dawn to show its light leavens